EBRD E-Learning

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Biblioteka kurseva

Trenutna biblioteka e-kurseva EBRD-a. Kurs možete započeti bilo kog datuma. Uskoro će se ovde dodati još kurseva.

This course has been created in collaboration between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the World Bank. The course looks at Occupational Safety, Occupational Health, and Violence and Harassment in the workplace from the perspective of gender and examines differential risks for women or men that may be present.

Language: English

Time: approx. 4 hours

This course has been created in collaboration between European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

The aim of this course is to raise awareness of general aspects of mental health and wellbeing, and the organisational factors that impact the health and wellbeing of individual workers

Language: English, Ukrainian

Time: approx. 4 hours

This course has been created in collaboration between European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Asian Development Bank (ADB), with support of the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

The aim of this course is to raise awareness, improve knowledge and for a better understanding of identification and prevention of work-related psychosocial risks and the management of workplace mental health and wellbeing by managers and supervisors.

Language: English, Ukrainian

Time: approx. 4 hours

This E-learning Course has been developed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to introduce community engagement as a crucial and integral part of successful project delivery. It will help you to understand how engaging with communities respectfully and thoughtfully enhances your team’s ability to design projects well, deliver them efficiently and ethically, and build trust between you and those who are most affected by your investments.

Language: English, Turkish

Time to complete: approx. 4 hours

Evropska banka za obnovu i razvoj (EBRD) razvila je E-learning kurs pod nazivom „Upravljanje uticajima ​izvođenja radova na životnu sredinu i društvene aspekte” sa ciljem da podrži svoje klijente u upravljanju velikim građevinskim projektima u skladu sa EBRD Politikom zaštite životne sredine i društvenih aspekata i EBRD Uslovima za realizaciju.   

Jezici: engleski, srpski

Trajanje kursa: pribl. 6-8 weeks

Ovaj kurs e-učenja o izgradnji bezbednosti na putevima razvila je Evropska banka za rekonstrukciju i razvoj (EBRR) kako bi pružila sveobuhvatne smernice o tome kako obezbediti da projekti razvoja puteva pružaju bezbednost svim učesnicima u saobraćaju. Ovaj kurs ima za cilj da inženjerima putogradnje, projektantima i planerima pruži dobar uvod u temeljne principe dobre izgradnje i kontrole bezbednosti na putevima zasnovane na pristupu sistema nazvanog Bezbedni sistem..

Jezik: engleski, ruski, srpski

Trajanje: oko 1.5-2 nedelje